Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why are People Unequal in Society?

“Why are People Unequal in Society” by Joel Charon focuses on the inequalities in society. Inequality exists anywhere we go. Charon says that inequality emerges in some form or another every time people encounter one another. Inequality in terms of power, privilege, and prestige result from division of labor, social conflict, and ownership of private property.

We can see inequality exist in our social life (race, gender, class etc.).  According to Charon, “ inequality is probably inevitable.” (90)  Everyone should be treated equally and fairly in terms of opportunity. But as we know, not everyone are in the same position. I don’t think that inequality is unfair. I believe that this inequality is necessary in our society. Because individuals are different and have diverse positions and desire, people will be same without the inequality. In other words, inequalities differentiate us from one another.

 From this article, I learned that culture is a major force that leads the inequality to be maintained. Also, according to this article, over time, culture influences people to accept a system of inequality as natural” (Charon 83). That is, individuals accept inequality as natural by the system they were born into, and not by their opinions. Thus, unless the system of belief is changed first, nothing is ever going to change about. In other words, once a system of inequality is established, it is difficult to change. Because individual’s lack of advantages or disadvantaged status pass down to their children, people are born into or enter into a system of social inequality. Also, the structure is protected and maintained by people who have power politically and economically.

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